At various times in the season, The Learning Garden at Noyo Food Farm offers organically-grown seasonal produce and plant starts to the community. Items vary and supply is limited. (Our Online Farmstand will be back online soon.)
Community Gardens
Garden Friendly Community
South Lincoln Street Garden is now accepting volunteers and garden plot reservations, email for more info
Caspar Community Garden 707-964-4997 or
Gardens / Farms with Farm Stands / CSA – Mendocino Coast
Fortunate Farm • Mist Farm • NYE Ranch • Wavelength Farm
Farmers Markets – Mendocino Coast
Fort Bragg – Wednesdays 2-5pm (Year Round) • Mendocino – Fridays 12-2pm (Seasonal)
Food Access – Mendocino Coast
Fort Bragg Food Bank 707-964-9404 • 910 N Franklin Street • Kids boxes available Wednesdays 12-3pm
FBUSD School Meals FBUSD students have access to free school meals, including the Teen Lounge Supper program
Redwood Coast Senior Center 707-964-0443 • 490 N Harold Street, Fort Bragg
Garden Supplies
Dirt Cheap Landscape Supply
Mendo Mill
North Star Nursery
Sakina’s Garden & Nursery
Gardening Education
Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens
Gardening on the Mendocino Coast
Master Gardeners of Mendocino Coast
Victory Gardens for Peace
Grow People, Grow Soil, Grow Food: A Curriculum for Youth Garden Internships based on 10 years of programing in The Learning Garden. Written by Magnolia Barrett and Cornelia Reynolds
Teaching and learning are living processes. The garden teaches the us new things all the time. We learn and shift and are open to changing our thinking and our actions. We discover new information, or have new experiences with the garden or the interns.
Having committed the curriculum to print, we hope for it to be an inspiration rather than a blueprint. It’s a picture of a well-informed moment in time. But our experience keeps growing, as do our sources for more information. Click here to download the Curriculum
Bee Bold Mendocino – Learn about bees! Native bee friendly plants, managed honey bees, and more!
Victory Gardens for Peace Growing Guide – Garden Plan for Rapid Calories, Planting Calendars for Mendocino Coast, Close Plant Spacing, Companion Planting, and so much more!